
附录 VI 链接

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附录 VI 链接

[!warning] WORK IN PROGRESS 此页面正在施工中。

The CSL syntax does not have support for configuration of links. However, processors should include links on bibliographic references, using the following rules:

If the bibliography entry for an item renders any of the following identifiers, the identifier should be anchored as a link, with the target of the link as follows:

  1. url: output as is
  2. doi: prepend with “https://doi.org/open in new window
  3. pmid: prepend with “https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/open in new window
  4. pmcid: prepend with “https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/open in new window

If the identifier is rendered as a URI, include rendered URI components (e.g. “https://doi.org/open in new window”) in the link anchor. Do not include any other affix text in the link anchor (e.g. “Available from: “, “doi: “, “PMID: “).

Citation processors should include an option flag for calling applications to disable bibliography linking behavior.